Regional Reps

SAQA's 40+ regions offer more localized social and educational opportunities to our widespread network of members. Contact your regional rep to find out what's going on in YOUR region. Every region is different but activities can include exhibitions, workshops, meetings, online communities, and more

Click on their name to find out more details about them.


Fabienne Peter-Contesse
Regional Representative
Auke Bay, Alaska


Michelle Jackson
Regional Representative
Sandia Park, NM

Arkansas & Louisiana

Lisa Thorpe
Regional Representative
Little Rock, Arkansas

Atlantic Canada

Lee McLean
Regional Representative
New Maryland, New Brunswick

California (Northern) and Nevada (Northern)

Deb Cashatt
Regional Representative
Cameron Park, CA
Carol Menzigian
Regional Representative
Los Osos, CA

California (Southern) and Nevada (Southern)

Caren Ryan
Regional Representative
Glendora, CA
Pam Jenner
Regional Representative
Newhall, CA

Central Canada

Heather Bennett
Regional Representative
Clarksburg, Ontario
Ingrid Langhorst
Regional Representative
Dundalk, Ontario


Yuanshan Jin
Regional Rep
Haerbin Heilongjiang, China

Colorado, Wyoming & Utah

Amanda Preston Araujo
Regional Rep
Durango, CO
Cynthia Jarest
Denver, CO


Gina Frank
Regional Representative
Guilford, Connecticut

Delaware, DC, Maryland & W Virginia

Suzan Morgan
Regional Representative
Buckhannon, WV

Europe & Middle East

Allison James
Regional Representative
West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Ildiko Polyak
Regional Representative
Budapest, Hungary


Debra Gluszczak
Regional Representative
N Ft Myers, FL
Angie Knowles
Regional Representative
Ft. Campbell, KY
Norma Santiago
Regional Representative
Seminole, Florida
Ellen Simon
Regional Representative
Parrish, FL

Illinois & Wisconsin

Judy Tucker
Regional Representative
Beecher, IL
Kim Van Berkum Bates
Regional Representative
Markesan, Wisconsin


Monica Jensen
Regional Representative
Bloomington, IN
Barabra Triscari
Regional Representative
Lebanon, IN


Ryoko Kobayashi
Regional Rep
Musashino-shi, Japan
Mikiko Takase
Regional Rep
Gunma, Japan 

Kansas, Missouri & Oklahoma

Michele Dowell
Regional Representative
Lenexa, Kansas

Latin America & Caribbean

 Michelle Gafford
Regional Representative
Friendswood, Texas


Sue Cortese
Regional Representative
Holland, Michigan
Beth Markel
Regional Representative
Rochester Hills, MI


Susan Clarkson
Regional Representative
Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Montana & Idaho

Sandy Billingslea
Regional Representative
Post Falls, ID
Sally K. Glutting
Regional Rep
Kalispell, MT

New Jersey & New York

LM Noudehou
Regional Representaitve
Mount Vernon, NY
Ellaree Pray
Regional Representative
Piscataway, NJ

New Mexico

Mary Aigner
Regional Representative
Green Valley, AZ
Vicki Conley
Regional Rep
Ruidoso Downs


Julia Arden
Regional Representative
Canterbury, New Zealand
Tania Tanti
Regional Representative
Altona Meadows, Victoria, Australia


Rebecca Dickson
Regional Representative
Westerville, OH
Maureen Lindway
Regional Representative
Brecksville, OH


Georgia French
Regional Representative
Veneta, Oregon
Kat Puente
Regional Representative
Salem, Oregon


Jean Gerow
Regional Representative
Newfield, NY
Mary Schwarzenberger
Regional Representative
Milford, New Jersey

South Carolina & Georgia

Diane Clapes
Regional Representative
College Park, GA
Tanya Cossett
Regional Representative
Stone Mountain, GA

South Korea

Mijoo Jin
Regional Representative
Sugi-Gu, Young-In City, S. Kores
Misik Kim
Regional Rep
Seoul, South Korea


Hsin-Chen Lin
Regional Rep
Tainan City, Taiwan


Melanie Dossey
Regional Representative
Holly Lake Ranch, TX
Tanya Jamison
Regional Representative
Houston, Texas
Susie Monday
Regional Representative
San Antonio, Texas

Virginia & North Carolina

Paula Dean
Regional Representative
Barhamsville, Virginia
Annegret Fauser
Regional Representative
Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Jacque Davis
Regional Representative
Vancouver, Washington

Western Canada

Marie McEachern
Regional Rep
Calgary, Alberta., Canada