I work with fiber and make quilted pieces for others to love. I get my inspiration from nature, life, and my husband who works in clay. We have jointly made a few pieces together with him drawing or painting a vessel form on the cloth or making small ceramic pieces for me to embellish into the quilt. My love of nature is also reflected in my pieces by trying to recreate sunrises, leaves, water, flowers or a trail in the woods into a fiber art piece. I love a good challenge and trying new techniques, using color in cloth and paint, playing with the stitching and adding beads on the piece.
I have enjoyed sewing since I was child and have my grandmother's pedal sewing machine in my home. I bought a sewing machine while I was working on my master’s degree and started sewing again. I was able to join Sisters in Cloth a Shoreline fiber art group in Connecticut who have expanded my knowledge and took me from traditional quilting to being a fiber artist. They also introduced me to SAQA and other artists in this field who have had a variety of techniques. Through this group, I have had a few pieces travel to Australia, France and Japan to be in shows.
I’m a full-time college administrator and help my husband with his pottery business. I find quilting relaxing and a place that I can express myself and have been able to share my love of quilting with others by teaching, selling or gifting my pieces to them.
Flower Garden
19.5" x 19.5"