
Volunteers are the lifeblood of SAQA. This is very much a hands-on, member-driven organization. SAQA both appreciates and depends on each volunteer to be able to offer the breadth and depth of programming available. 

We have lots of volunteer opportunities. Some examples include:

  • Serving on a SAQA Committee
  • Participating in Regional Activities
  • Working at the SAQA Booth at an event near you
  • Developing content for our communication channels

View Current Volunteer Positions


Current Committees

Development Committee:
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 3pm ET
Email development@saqa.art 

Lilo Bowman (Chair), Holly Brackmann, Janet Darcher, Taylor Freeman, Linda Syverson Guild, Kathy Johnson, Candice Phelan, Martha Sielman,

Education Committee:
Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 4pm ET
Email education@saqa.art

Melissa Wraalstad (Co-Chair), Elizabeth Berger, Susan Callahan, Ann Johnston, Kathie Kerler, Christine Seager, Lynne Seaman, Jennifer Solon

Executive Committee:
Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 2pm ET
Email board@saqa.art

Lilo Bowman (President), Shannon Conley (Treasurer), Kathie Kerler (Vice President), Claire Passmore (Secretary)

Exhibitions Committee:
Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1pm ET
Email exhibitionscommittee@saqa.art

Gul Laporte (Co-Chair), Claire Passmore (Co-Chair), Betty Busby, Petra Fallaux, Joyce Ferrie, Patricia Kennedy-Zafred, Fuzzy Mall, Kestrel Michaud, Bill Reker, Lisa Flowers Ross, Amanda Snavely, Sarah Ann Smith, Jean Sredl

Finance Committee:
Meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 1pm ET
Email treasurer@saqa.art

Shannon Conley (Chair), Lilo Bowman, Tanya Cossett, Lisa Ellis, Marvin Fletcher, Brenda Bailey-Hainer, Maura Grogan, Martha Sielman, Jennifer Solon

Juried Artist Program:
Meetings vary. Email jams@saqa.art
Juried Artist Member Representatives: Dorothy Raymond, Jette Clover
Juried Artist Advisors: Alice Beasley, Nancy Bardach, and Regina Marzlin
Other Members: Donna Deaver, Robbie Eklow, Paula Kovarik, Susan Lapham, Isabelle Wiessler,

Nominating Committee:
Kathie Kerler (chair), Deborah Boschert, Lilo Bowman, Martha Sielman

Regional Grants Review Committee:
Meetings vary. Email grants@saqa.art
Annie Smith (Chair), Shannon Dion, Cindy Parry, Jennifer Solon, Carole Staples, Desi Vaughn

Special Events Committee:
Meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 5pm ET.
Email sec@saqa.art

Zara Zannettino (Co-Chair), Susan Goodman (Co-Chair), Jette Clover, Jackie Heupel, Carolyn Higgins, Diane Nunez, Jennifer Solon, Desi Vaughn, Sandra Wagner

Other Volunteers

Members-Only Facebook Group Moderators:
Terry Grant, Lisa White Reber, Judy Tucker

Regional Rep Facebook Group Moderators:
Joyce Ferrie