The SAQA Endowment Fund is a permanent fund established to support the future growth and activities of our organization. Such a fund provides stability and security, helping to ensure our mission over the long term. Endowment funds are permanently set aside and invested to generate future earnings. Expenditures are then made from the earnings while the principal remains intact.
Your gift to the Endowment Fund will ensure a vibrant and strong organization for decades to come, enabling SAQA to allocate more financial resources in support of our mission: to promote quilt art through education, exhibitions, and professional development of our members.
Legacy donations are especially appropriate for an endowment fund. If you wish to include SAQA in your will or as a beneficiary, please contact our Executive Director, Martha Sielman:
Named Funds
As a donor to the endowment fund with a commitment of $10,000 or more, you may wish to associate your name, or the name of someone who has played an important role in your life, with Studio Art Quilt Associates in perpetuity by establishing a Named Fund. That fund will be credited whenever earnings from it are used for any purpose, in perpetuity.
We will be pleased to provide you and your advisors with samples of our endowment agreements and to discuss in detail our endowment investment policies. Moreover, we will provide you with annual updates on the impact of your fund within our organization.
Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. Your donation to SAQA may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor.
President’s Circle $15,000 and up
Mary Anhaltzer Memorial Fund*
Lisa Ellis * in memory of Judith House
Shirley Neary*
Cathy Shanahan
Director’s Circle $10,000 - $14,999
Ralph and Janice James
Jean Ray Laury Memorial Fund (Karey Bresenhan)*
Gold Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Robert and Ardis James Trust
Teri Springer in honor of all SAQA members who have had breast or ovarian cancer
Silver Circle $2,500 - $4,999
Nancy Bavor
Barbara Daly Blanchard in memory of her mother, Doris Louise Peck Daly
Carol A. Churchill
Marvin Fletcher in memory of Hilary Fletcher
John M. Walsh III*
Bronze Circle $1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Anonymous in memory of Francisco Bautista
Jacqueline Atkins
Eliza Brewster
Linda Colsh
Ann Johnston
LaPierre Studios
Cat Larrea & Mark McDermott
Jeanne Marklin
Margaret Moon & Butch Davies
Mary Pal*
Julie Scott*
Sandra Sider* in memory of Jean Ray Laury
Priscilla Stultz
Judith Trager*
Nelda Warkentin*
Judy Warner
Adrienne Yorinks
Members’ Circle up to $1,000
2013 SAQA Board of Directors in honor of Sandra Sider
Anonymous (6)
Virginia A. M. Abrams
Mirjam Aigner
Susan Apte
Holly Adkins-Ardrey
Barbara Aiken
Joanne Alberda
Katherine K. Allen
Elizabeth Bamberger
Alison A. Banks
Abbi Barden
Margaret Batko
Alice Beasley
Rebecca Beeson
Stella Belikiewicz
Sue Benner
Elizabeth Bennett
Sue Bleiweiss
Margaret Blank
Nancy Bougher
Holly Brackmann
Susan Brehm
Karey Bresenhan
Jane B. Broaddus
Peggy Brown
Nancy Bryant
Margaret Bushaw
Deb Cashatt
Susan Charles
Susan Christensen
Hilary Clark
Marilyn Clulow
Marlene Cohen
Maureen Cole
Barbara Confer
Martha Connell
Judith Content
Nancy G. Cook
Karen Cooper
Linda Cooper
Barb Corrigan
Robin Cowley
Susie Cujes
Dee Dadik
Michele David
Geri deGruy
Silvia Dell'Aere
Eileen Doughty in memory of Gwen Magee
June Mears Driedger
Regina Dunn in memory of Mary Figulski, who gave me the love of sewing
Annabel Ebersole
Marcie Emily
Nancy Erickson
Clairan Ferrono in memory of Catherine Ferrono and Claire Ferrono
Heidi Field-Alvarez
Georgia French
Barbara Frey
Julia Gaff
Gina Gahagan
Linda Gass
Laurie Hill Gibb in memory of Florence Hill
Susan Hilsenbeck
Mary Louise Gerek
Becky Grover
Judy Grumbacher
Joyce Hanlon
Ayn Hanna
Carole Harris
Judith Harrison
Peggie Hartwell
Terry Ann Hartzell
Patty Hawkins in memory of Betty Clark, mother for all my sewing/art talent
Cathy Heeter
Carol Heist
Jean Herman
Carolyn Higgins
Sharon Hightower
Susan Hilsenbeck
Jill Hoddick
Sandra Holland
Jessica Hudson
Patricia Hull
Tanja Iannarelli
Toby Jagolinzer
Jill Jensen
Dolores Johnson
Jean Jurgenson
Iris Karp
Jean Wells Keenan
Rosemary Kessler
Patricia Kicklighter
Levin S. Kinsey
Pamela Price Klebaum
Sherry Kleinman
Lesley Knox
Ursula Koenig
Maureen Koski
Lynn Krawczyk
Ellie Kreneck in honor of Yvonne Porcella
Donna Leigh Jackins
Carol Larson
Judith Larzelere
Gay E. Lasher
Michele Lasker
Alison Laurence
Yemima Lavan
Denise Linet Mary Ann Littlejohn
Aurelle Locke
Karlyn Bue Lohrenz
Louise Ludecke
Rodi Shemata Ludlum
Jenny Lyon
Alice Magorian
Kathryn Markel
Regina Marzlin
Kathleen McCabe
Diane Melms
Judith Merrell
Anita Mester
Elsa Meyer
Paula Middendorp
Magali Aparecide Miranda
Kathleen Molatch
Judy Momenzadeh
Pamela Morris
Patti Morris
Gillian Moss
Reiko Naganuma
Christine Nielsen
Cathy O'Bryan
Pat Owoc
Do Palma
Donata Pfisterer
Marti Plager
Judith Plows
Susan Polansky
Rae Poon
Linda Ritchie
Margaret Rolph
Bernie Rowell
Susan Ruda
Judy Tipton Rush
Claudia Sammis
Dinah Sargeant
Patty Sawyer
Kris Sazaki, in Honor of My Fellow Board Members 2010-2016
Carroll Schleppi
Alison Schwabe
Charlotte Scott
Lisa Sellers-West
Virginia Spiegel
Nancy Sharp
Sara Sharp
G. Peter Shostak in memory of Myra Shostak
Martha Sielman in honor of Sandra Sider
Maria Simonsson
Catherine Smith
Chris Boersma Smith
Ginny Smith
Sandra Smith
Sarah Ann Smith
Elizabeth Spannring
Gerri Spilka
Tammo & Aafke Steenhuis
Leah Sullivan
Paula Swett
Paula Tanner
Daphne Taylor
Karen Reese Tunnell
Carolyn Lee Vehslage
Mary Vinovskis
Debbie Wambaugh
Denny Webster
Ruth White
Shea Wilkinson
Susanne Woods
Diane Wright
Charlotte Ziebarth
Heidi Zielinski |