Endowment Fund

The SAQA Endowment Fund is a permanent fund established to support the future growth and activities of our organization. Such a fund provides stability and security, helping to ensure our mission over the long term. Endowment funds are permanently set aside and invested to generate future earnings. Expenditures are then made from the earnings while the principal remains intact.

Your gift to the Endowment Fund will ensure a vibrant and strong organization for decades to come, enabling SAQA to allocate more financial resources in support of our mission: to promote quilt art through education, exhibitions, and professional development of our members.

Legacy donations are especially appropriate for an endowment fund. If you wish to include SAQA in your will or as a beneficiary, please contact our Executive Director, Martha Sielman: MarthaSielman@SAQA.com.

Named Funds

As a donor to the endowment fund with a commitment of $10,000 or more, you may wish to associate your name, or the name of someone who has played an important role in your life, with Studio Art Quilt Associates in perpetuity by establishing a Named Fund. That fund will be credited whenever earnings from it are used for any purpose, in perpetuity.

We will be pleased to provide you and your advisors with samples of our endowment agreements and to discuss in detail our endowment investment policies.  Moreover, we will provide you with annual updates on the impact of your fund within our organization.

Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. Your donation to SAQA may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor.