Cynthia Jarest

Denver, CO

Hi, my name is Cynthia Jarest, or Cyndi for short. I was born and raised in the Denver Metro area of Colorado, have a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and live in an old brick house in the city.

I have always loved dabbling in various art forms like macramé, beading, painting, and even pottery. Like many fiber artists, I started with traditional quilting, and then I found a local art quilt group that opened my eyes to all the possibilities that fabric can become. My knowledge and skills grew with each workshop, and my curiosity expanded with each new speaker. I remain curious today about what is next in the world of fiber.

Currently, I show at local galleries and some out-of-state galleries too, Sacred Threads (Virginia), for example. I’ve received some accolades along the way and had the privilege of being a guest speaker via Zoom at the Brigham City Museum for the show WILD! I am a current member of Studio Art Quilt Associates, Front Range Contemporary Quilters, and the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum.

Herman Gulch 2.0"
22" x 32"

Cynthia Jarest