Our Story

With the goal of establishing a place for art quilts in the world of contemporary art, California quilt artist Yvonne Porcella sent out 50 letters to artists and friends to rally them to her cause. Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) was launched in 1989 from Porcella’s initiative, rapidly growing to include hundreds of members across the country. 

The vision was to create an organization to:

  • Promote art quilts to major art publications, museums, and galleries
  • Educate the public about art quilts
  • Serve as a forum for the professional development of quilt artists
  • Act as a resource for curators, dealers, consultants, teachers, students, and collectors

SAQA members held their first conference in 1995, and Porcella served as president for 11 years. SAQA’s annual conferences now attract more than 200 members, who gather to network and attend lectures and workshops by internationally known experts.

In 2019 SAQA celebrated 30 years of creating opportunities for the art quilt and the individuals who create these compelling works. SAQA has steadily built its commitment to creating quality exhibitions and offering vital professional development opportunities for the membership.

SAQA's Board of Directors has been guided by presidents, each lending their unique skill set to addressing the needs of the organization and its members.

When SAQA was founded in 1989, it had 34 members and a budget of $700. Now SAQA has over 4,000 members around the world and a budget of $1 million.

Wavy Lines