Jean Gerow

Regional Representative
Newfield, NY

I’m based in Ithaca NY, on property close to the Finger Lakes Trail. I have always lived surrounded by woods and the natural world features prominently in my art.   In the early 2000’s, I ran an online quilt fabric shop, selling fabric and designing quilt kits.  Once my children flew the coop, I turned my sights toward pursuing a career in fiber arts.  My medium is cotton batiks used with fusible web and machine quilted to create representational fiber art.  In addition to fiber arts, I am a master gardener and love to hike and bike.  The major theme in my life and art is being outside.  I enjoy experiencing the outdoors to the fullest and translating that feeling into my art. 


Buttermilk Falls Path, 34"w x 26.5"h.   2023
Buttermilk Falls Path
26.5"h x 34"
Jean Gerow