I fell in love with quilts when I was a 21-year-old businesswoman. At that time I was too busy to learn quilting. I visited exhibitions when I went abroad and began a hobby of collecting fabrics and books. After getting married, I started my learning plan, embracing a housewife’s satisfaction of making quilts. My learning plan mainly consisted of resources gathering, self-teaching from books, and sharing. It helped me to expand the resources of quilts and get better understanding and inspiration. Through it, I not only equipped myself with skills but formed my vision and style.
Nature, as a mentor, had guided me on how to create, use colors, and concentrate on accumulating energies. I had trained myself to seize the moment, take every scene at every moment as a lesson, and strengthen my interests and senses of freshness to everything. To me, art quilts are creations of integration. Needles and threads are also teachers in my art life, leading me to absorb and mature. I’ve gained the wisdom of life, the happiness of sharing, and inexhaustible energy. Through the narrative talents of quilts, my thoughts and feelings are well-expressed in various forms.
“Building an integration platform for art quilts,” is the goal I keep striving for. I believed that putting the common good together can make greater benefits. I’ve found that solid training and restless questing can equip me with abilities to realize my ideals so I decided to teach quilting, become an independent curator, share my experiences and form a society, Taiwan Ant Quilt Society, with companions to promote our common ideals. I believe that what we’ll face in the future is not only the issue of personal performance of quilting techniques but also the issue of placing public good prior to personal good.
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