Bobbi Baugh (Florida, USA) - Seeing Through to the Light
Anne Bellas (France) - vertige/ vertigo
Maya Chaimovich (Israel) - A Tiny Moment of Happiness
Sandra Champion (Australia) - First Light on the Track
Shin-hee Chin (Kansas, USA) - Harvest Moon
Linda Colsh (Maryland, USA) - The Cauldron
Vicki Conley (New Mexico, USA) - Slot Canyon #7 - Intrusions
Janet Darcher (Washington, USA) - Corona #2-Crepuscular Rays
Gabriele DiTota (Florida, USA) - In the darkness
Chiaki Dosho (Japan) - The Glistening Light
Sarah Lykins Entsminger (Virginia, USA) - Wintertime in the City
Petra Fallaux (Pennsylvania, USA) - SeaSpider Mamam
Bodil Gardner (Denmark) - The Earth is a wonderful place
Judith Quinn Garnett (Oregon, USA) - Correspondence With Hope
Debra Goley (Arizona, USA) - Cacti At First Light
Meredith Grimsley (Pennsylvania, USA) - Reclaiming My Birthright: Call to My Future Self
Ruby Horansky (Pennsylvania, USA) - BLAZE
Doris A Hulse (Florida, USA) - Peonies and Petunias
Patty Kennedy-Zafred (Pennsylvania, USA) - Sedona Sunset
Hanne Ladegaard (Denmark) - The rippling water
Mary-Ellen Latino (California, USA) - Global Guardian Angel
Niraja Lorenz (Oregon, USA) - Strange Attractor #8
Glenda Mah (Oregon, USA) - How the Light Gets In
Alicia Merrett (United Kingdom) - Genesis of the Stars
Lena Meszaros (France) - We are all Lights
Kestrel Michaud (Florida, USA) - There's Something In the Water
Dan Olfe (California, USA) - Ray Tracing #1
Heather Pregger (Texas, USA) - Schist #1
Paula Rafferty (Ireland) - Surya
Sue Reno (Pennsylvania, USA) - Heat Index
Ann Sanderson (California, USA) - Good Night Havana
Roxanne Schwartz (California, USA) - Noon
Maria Shell (Alaska, USA) - Fiber Optics
Stephanie Shore (Massachusetts, USA) - Through the Canopy 4
Sarah Ann Smith (Maine, USA) - Canticle of the Stars
Jan Soules (California, USA) - Scorched Earth
Daphne Taylor (Maine, USA) - Quilt Drawing #24
Marianne R Williamson (Alabama, USA) - Dappled Autumn Leaves
Nancy Baldwin Woods (Colorado, USA) - Austin Nights: A Symphony of Sound and Light Waves
Marian Zielinski (Georgia, USA) - What Light from Yonder Window Breaks?