Sedona Sunset

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Sedona Sunset
43 in
59.5 in
(109 cm x 151 cm)
Photo Credit
Larry Berman
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The earth, in tandem with the sun, creates a spectacular light show, presenting a constantly changing and unpredictable display at sunrise and sunset. Witnessing the changing positions of the sun during a visit to Sedona, Arizona was stunning, made even more impressive by the backdrop of rusty-red mountains and clay trails. Hidden in the sides of some of the red rocks are caves and cliff dwellings, inhabited by indigenous people centuries ago. Creating that memory in cloth, print, and stitch was the challenge undertaken with this piece, which hopefully reflects in some small way the magic, beauty, and mystery of that place and time.
Cotton, dyes, silkscreen materials, textile inks, discharge materials
Silkscreened, shibori, clamp resist, and discharge dyed, machine pieced, quilted