Polly Bech (Pennsylvania, USA) - Hope Renewing
Deborah Boschert (Texas, USA) - Through and Through
Betty Busby (New Mexico, USA) - Purkinje
Donna Deaver (Idaho, USA) - Stranded
Fabia Delise (Italy) - Route 112 NH
Dianne Firth (Australia) - Seaweed
Mary Kay Fosnacht (Kansas, USA) - State of the Union
Cynthia D Friedman (Pennsylvania, USA) - Journey in Solitude
Meredith R Grimsley (Pennsylvania, USA) - Mom's Dementia - Good Days/Bad Days
Carol Anne Grotrian (Massachusetts, USA) - Wave: Montana de Oro
Jim Hay (Gunma, Japan) - Comes The Wind
Dorothy Heidemann-Nelson (Nebraska, USA) - Closure Without End
Patty Kennedy-Zafred (Pennsylvania, USA) - Heated Conversations
Catherine Kleeman (Maryland, USA) - Counting the Days
Heidi Koenig (Switzerland) - Bipolar
Marilyn M Lone (Washington, USA) - Antarctic Stillness
Jackie Manley (Nevada, USA) - Homage to Piet (Mondrian)
Marisa Márquez (Illinois, USA) - Brain Overflow
Sherri Lipman McCauley (Texas, USA) - Interruption
Ginny McVickar (Oregon, USA) - Timing is Everything
Amanda Miller (Oregon, USA) - Attitude Adjustment
Olena Nebuchadnezzar (Virginia, USA) - Two Drifters
Wen Redmond (New Hampshire, USA) - Three Feathers Remain
Lynne Seaman (United Kingdom) - A Year in the Forest
Sigrid Simonds (Nevada, USA) - Memories
Jeanne Sisson (Massachusetts, USA) - Breathe
Joan Claire Sowada (Wyoming, USA) - Many Fires Burning
Jean M Sredl (Wisconsin, USA) - Polar and Bi – Episode II
Paula J Swett (Pennsylvania, USA) - CURRENT
Marjolein van der Eijk (Netherlands) - Bipolar, a life with a fringed edge
K. Velis Turan (New York, USA) - Merge
Leslie W. Vieth (Massachusetts, USA) - Rise from the Ashes
Kathy York (Texas, USA) - Floating in a Sea of Symbols
Charlotte Ziebarth (Colorado, USA) - White Nights
Marian Zielinski (Georgia, USA) - Tides of Consciousness
For purchasing inquiries, please contact William Reker at exhibitions@saqa.com or 937-912-5009.
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