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The heart of SAQA’s programs are its members. You make it possible to share our art with others through virtual galleries and global and regional exhibitions. In 2021, even with many venues needing to close due to health safety, SAQA traveled 12 exhibitions to 23 venues, launched 6 new virtual galleries, and had 24 regional exhibitions traveling. This couldn’t have been done without your support. Our community is at the core of our mission, advancing the art quilt.
Volume 2 of the creativity-inspiring series Exploring Art Quilts with SAQA is now available! Its book-and-journal-blend format with 350 photos reveals today's latest work and designs and also serves as a long-term creative reference. Be inspired by interviews, gorgeous art quilt photos, and current creations by members of SAQA.
Did you know that shopping at can help support SAQA? Just #StartWithaSmile at and Amazon donates a portion of the sale to SAQA.

Congratulations to the 33 artists selected by juror Tali Weinberg for the SAQA Global Exhibition sustainABILITY. This exhibition will open in October 2022 at the New England Quilt Museum. Artists were encouraged to explore solutions to improve sustainability in...

Congratulations to the artists selected by curator Barbara Schneider for the SAQA Virtual Gallery Legacies

In this virtual gallery call we asked artists to consider their personal legacy and how that influences their artwork. We received an astonishing variety...

A message from Deborah Boschert, SAQA Board President

With both disappointment and excitement, the SAQA Board announces that our 2022 annual conference originally scheduled to be held in St. Petersburg, Florida in April will become a virtual event. We...

Congratulations to the 31 artists selected by juror Barbara Lee Smith for the SAQA Global Exhibition Intersect Chicago! This exhibition will be on display at Intersect Chicago in November 2021.

Congratulations to the 42 artists selected by juror Emily Jan for the SAQA Global Exhibition Fur, Fangs, Feathers & Fins. This exhibition will debut at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in April 2022.


Selected Artists:

Mary Lou Alexander (Ohio...

Congratulations to the artists selected by juror Joshua R. Willis for the new SAQA Virtual Gallery - Structures.

"In this body of work, we examine a few universal rules in nature: growth & decay; biomimicry; the nature of our...

Congratulations to the artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Microscape by juror Linden Gledhill. This exhibition is scheduled to debut at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in October. 

Our known world stretches far beyond what we can see...

Congratulations to the artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Connections by juror Ellen M. Blalock. This exhibition is scheduled to debut at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in October. 

In today's fractured, divisive world, connections - both intentional...

Textile Talks features weekly presentations and panel discussions from the International Quilt Museum, the Modern Quilt Guild, Quilt Alliance, San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles, Studio Art Quilt Associates, and Surface Design Association.
Congratulations to the 41 artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Light the World by juror Jan Myers-Newbury. This exhibition will premiere at the European Patchwork Meeting, Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines, France in September 2021.

Congratulations to the 40 artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Primal Forces:Earth by juror Sue Cavanaugh.  Opening in September 2021, this exhibition is the first in a three-part series to premiere at the National Quilt Museum over a 6...

Congratulations to the 20 artists selected by juror Jane Sauer for Intersect Chicago (formerly SOFA). The 2020 event will be presented as an online only event and focuses on three-dimensional artworks that cross the boundaries of fine art, decorative art, fiber arts, and design.
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