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SAQA’s Board made two important decisions in May 2023: 

Art Quilt Quarterly
Art Quilt Quarterly’s final issue will be #34 (mailing in January 2024). This was a difficult decision because Art Quilt Quarterly is a wonderful publication that has helped SAQA...

Congratulations to the artists selected by juror Judy Kirpich for the SAQA Global Exhibition Color in Context:Red. This exhibition will premiere at the 2023 International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas.
Congratulations to the 27 artists selected by curator Fuzzy Mall for the SAQA Virtual Gallery Body Language. This exhibition illustrates how communication can be accomplished without speaking. Selected pieces can be viewed online on April 3.

Congratulations to the 31 artists selected by curator Alanna Nelson for the SAQA Virtual Gallery Historic Detail. Now available for viewing, this exhibition showcases art inspired by architecture. Whether the timeline is 20 or 2,000 years, art can open...

Congratulations to the artists selected by juror Dorothy Caldwell for SAQA Global Exhibition Minimalism. This exhibition will premiere at the European Patchwork Meeting in September 2023.
Congratulations to the 37 artists selected for SAQA Global Exhibition Primal Forces: Wind by juror Elizabeth Rooklidge. This exhibition will premiere at the National Quilt Museum in September/October 2023.
Congratulations to the SAQA artists selected by jurors Beth C. McLaughlin, Lisa Ranallo, and Jane Sauer for Art Evolved: Intertwined. This exhibition will also include artists from the National Basketry Organization.

Congratulations to the 31 artists selected by curators Alison Schwabe and Diana Fox for the SAQA Virtual Gallery Reflections on Spirituality.  Now available for online viewing, this exhibition asked makers to share the moments and rituals that nurture their...

Congratulations to the 34 artists selected by curator Teresita Leal for the SAQA Virtual Gallery Textile Expressionism. Now available for viewing online, this exhibition invited artists to freely express their feelings, both positive and negative, through textiles.
Congratulations to the 40 artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Haven by juror Eszter Bornemisza. This exhibition will premiere at the International Quilt Festival Houston in October 2022.

*** Updated  July 2022

New venues have been secured for both Minimalism and Stitchpunk - both calls are now available on the SAQA Calls page.


For many years SAQA debuted two exhibitions at Quilt Festival Houston. We were recently...

Congratulations to the artists selected by Curators Dr. Heather A. Hager and June Horwich for SAQA Virtual Gallery Bugmania!
Congratulations to the 40 artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Gastronomy by jurors Desedamas - Cecíla and Mercè. This exhibition will premiere at the International Quilt Festival Houston in October 2022.

SAQA's individual grant program is designed to allow members who are experiencing financial hardship to grow creatively and professionally through participation in SAQA membership programs and conferences.

Some factors that may contribute to financial hardship could include (but are not...

Congratulations to the artists selected by curators Elisabeth Nacenta-de la Croix and Isabelle Wiessler for the new Virtual Gallery - Street Art.

In this call, we asked artists to be inspired by Street Art. The curators noted that the...

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