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Congratulations to the artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Joining Threads! This exhibition will be on display at Timeless Textiles in Newcastle, NSW, Australia from August 13, 2024 through September 16, 2024.
Congratulations to the artists selected by curator Lisa Flowers Ross for the Virtual Gallery Ritual. An online gallery of selected pieces will be available for viewing May 1.
SAQA’s Exhibitions Committee has a strong sense of identity and purpose. They work hard to develop opportunities for SAQA members to exhibit their work all over the world in places such as museums, universities, galleries, quilt show venues, regional exhibits, and virtual galleries.
Congratulations to the artists selected for SAQA Global Exhibition Camouflage by juror Lorraine Roy. This exhibition will premiere at the 2024 International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas.
The impact of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) regional representatives lies in their role as connectors for the regions within the organization's membership. They facilitate communication through regional newsletters. They organize regional exhibitions, workshops, retreats, and conferences. They promote collaboration among artists by encouraging their members to help with exhibitions and events and through Local Connections. Regional representatives play a vital role in fostering a sense of community, sharing resources, and supporting the growth of the art quilt at a grassroots level.

The SAQA Board is looking forward to our upcoming virtual conference, Plurality & Heritage, showcasing artwork in the Europe & Middle East Region. These are their Top 10 Reasons to Sign Up! The conference will be online from...

Congratulations to the 47 artists selected for SAQA Global Exhibition Abstraction: Textural Elements by jurors Sue Hotchkis, Claire Passmore, and Dr. Kristine Scherer. This exhibition will premiere in September 2024 at the Max Berk Textile Collection, Palatinate Museum, Heidelberg, Germany...

SAQA’s Development Committee is inaugurating a Volunteer Recognition Program, where groups of SAQA members are recognized for their work and special efforts. As a volunteer organization, we so appreciate what our members and leadership do to keep us engaged and involved in the ever-changing world of fiber art. 

Congratulations to the 36 artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Bearing Witness by juror Robin L. Bernstein. Bearing Witness will premiere at the Raritan Valley Community College, Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies in August 2024.

Selected Artists:

Susan Avishai...

Congratulations to the artists selected by curator Pat Forster for the Virtual Gallery Geometric Expressions. An online gallery of selected pieces will be available for viewing January 3.

Selected Artists:

Terry Aske (British Columbia, Canada) - Dramatically Diagonal
Gay Bitter...

Congratulations to the artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Fierce Planets by jurors Dr. Sabine Stanley, J.D. Talasek, and Dr. Denis Wirtz. This exhibition will premiere at the Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, Louisiana in April...

Congratulations to the 27 artists selected by curator  Mieke Leenders for the Virtual Gallery Imprisoned. An online gallery of selected pieces will be available for viewing October 1.

Selected Artists:

Margaret Abramshe (Utah, USA) - Raven of War
Linda Anderson...

Congratulations to the SAQA artists selected by juror Cheryl Sleboda for the SAQA Global Exhibition StitchPunk. This exhibition will open at the New England Quilt Museum in April 2024.

SAQA is very much a hands-on, member-driven organization. Volunteering is a great way to meet other people and learn more about all the different opportunities.

Below are the current volunteer positions available. Don't see something you like? Contact us at...

Congratulations to the 24 artists selected by curators Helen Blumen and Andra Stanton for the SAQA Virtual Gallery HumorUs. Viewers of this online gallery will appreciate the humorous interpretations of the theme. 

Selected Artists:

Nancy A. Bennett-Karasik (Maryland, USA)...

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