Mary Lou Alexander (Ohio, USA) - Geometry of the Herd #7
Diana Bartelings (British Columbia, Canada) - Spirit Salmon
Sharon V Buck (Tennessee, USA) - Lords of the Forest
Betty Busby (New Mexico, USA) - The Abyss
Holly Lei Cole (Virginia, USA) - The Toto
Shannon M Conley (Oklahoma, USA) - The Armadillo and the Cow
Maria Eugenia Corbella (Spain) - Neofelis nebulosa
Rhonda S Denney (Kansas, USA) - Eagle - The Eyes Have It
Giny Dixon (California, USA) - Coastal Passage: Beautiful Victim
Isabelle Dupras (Quebec, Canada) - Urubu
Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry (Washington, USA) - Aquarium #2
Joyce King Ferrie (Florida, USA) - The Silver King Highway
Margaret Peggy Fetterhoff (Texas, USA) - Daddy Seahorse
Jayne Bentley Gaskins (Virginia, USA) - Pointless Parroting
Betty Hahn (Arizona, USA) - Thinking of Getting Another Tattoo
Nari Haig (Wisconsin, USA) - Broad Billed Hummingbird
Irene Anna Koroluk (Tasmania, Australia) - Jellies, Stars and Screws
Glenda Mah (Oregon, USA) - Estuary
Jeanne Marklin (Massachusetts, USA) - Magpie
Salli McQuaid (Washington, USA) - Rainbow Python
Kestrel Michaud (Florida, USA) - Beauty Queen
Karen I Miller (Oregon, USA) - Lost in the land of lizards
Lulu Moonwood Murakami (Oregon, USA) - Renewal
Jeannie Palmer Moore (Texas, USA) - Buck
Claire Passmore (United Kingdom) - Southern Right Whale: Deep Dive
Maureen Phillips (North Carolina, USA) - It's time!
Ruth Powers (Kansas, USA) - Harrier Hunting
Sue Reno (Pennsylvania, USA) - Mole and Fern
Cindy Richard (Israel) - Monkey Business
Nancy Ryan (Nevada, USA) - Two to Tango
Sara Sharp (Texas, USA) - Coastal Cousins
Sue Sherman (Ontario, Canada) - Galapagos Marine Iguana
Carolyn Skei (Texas, USA) - Poverello and the Birds
Brenda Gael Smith (New South Wales, Australia) - Flying Colours: Galah Gala
Marinda Stewart (Texas, USA) - Leafy Sea Dragon
Karin Tauber (Virginia, USA) - Golden Frogs of Monteverde
Sherry Turpenoff (Illinois, USA) - Celebrate The Beauty Of Diversity
Sandra Wagner (California, USA) - Life in the Cold
Katie Walwyn (Washington, USA) - Fabulous Flippers
Rosanna Lynne Welter (Utah, USA) - Onaqui Roan--On The Run
Libby Williamson (California, USA) - Disentangled
Krista Zeghers (Manitoba, Canada) and Coreen Zerr (British Columbia, Canada) - Serengeti Moment