Margaret Abramshe (Utah, USA) - Plastic Ocean
Susan Avishai (Ontario, Canada) - Garden Without Seasons
Regina V. Benson (Colorado, USA) - Four R's
Pat Bishop (Wisconsin, USA) - Cedar Swamp #5
Deborah Boschert (Texas, USA) - Provisions
Michelle Browne (Pennsylvania, USA) - FloraDora II
Shin-hee Chin (Kansas, USA) - Lifeline
Gabriele DiTota (Florida, USA) - The Optimistic Oyster or 50 Gallons Later
Laura Fogg (California, USA) - Catch of the Day
Diana S Fox (Colorado, USA) - Gifts from the Universe: Tree Rings
Leesa Zarinelli Gawlik (Colorado, USA) - Time Line I
Alisa Golden (California, USA) - The Hidden Owl
Michele Hardy (Colorado, USA) - Mapforms #11
Barbara Oliver Hartman (Texas, USA) - Odds and Ends
Jaynie Himsl (Saskatchewan, Canada) - Dirty Ash
Penny Howard (NSW, Australia) - Not So Harmless
Laurel Izard (Indiana, USA) - The Unloved Endangered
Eve Jacobs-Carnahan (Vermont, USA) - Encroachment
Linda M Kim (Texas, USA) - Life Jacket
Pat Kroth (Wisconsin, USA) - Weightless
Betty G Lacy (California, USA) - Plasti-City
Carol Larson (California, USA) - Recycling Plastic is a Myth
Mary-Ellen Latino (California, USA) - Earthen Abode
Eleanor Levie (Pennsylvania, USA) - Cautionary Measures
Susan Leslie Lumsden (Florida, USA) - Passiflora: Frenzy
Carla Osterby (Washington, USA) - Packaging the Future a Global Opportunity
Frauke Palmer (Ohio, USA) - Princess of Serendip
Karen Ponischil (North Carolina, USA) - Polyethylene Forest: Leaf Litter
Kat Puente (Oregon, USA) - Sunlight Power
Stephanie Shore (Massachusetts, USA) - Transformation 1
Jennifer Solon (Ohio, USA) - Embrace Circularity
Linda Syverson Guild (Maryland, USA) - Ecology
Naomi S. Velasquez (Idaho, USA) - Repriser
** Artist notifications were sent via email on November 17th.