All current Canadian SAQA members from the Atlantic Canada, Central Canada, and Western Canada regions, as well as those that list any of those regions as their second region, are eligible to submit work.
Renewal is:
-rekindling, looking to a new future, finding hope,
-resuming an activity after an interruption, renewing a past friendship,
-the cycles of nature: spring growth, forest regeneration, a new moon,
-extending validity, such as renewing a passport, a library card, a subscription, or marriage vows,
-repair of something worn out, restoring to an original state, recovering strength or urban renewal.
Renewal happens in many ways, combined with hopes and fears. How do you observe and experience renewal?
Renewal will be a juried exhibition comprised of 25 -30 artworks that will be available to travel beginning Fall 2024 through 2026.
David Kaye, Toronto, Ontario
David H. Kaye holds an A.O.C.A. from the Ontario College of Art (1972), a B.A. from the University of Guelph (1978) and an M.F.A. from the Cranbrook Academy of Art (1980). He was an active artist exhibiting his sculptural woven textiles before being drawn into the gallery world. He managed Prime Gallery, Toronto from 1984 to 2002. He worked at Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto until 2006. He opened the David Kaye Gallery in April of 2006 to exhibit objects which closed January 2019. He was fortunate to be commissioned for a woven triptych work (4 1/2 by 12 feet) for the ACE Hotel in Toronto in 2022. David also continues working as David Kaye Projects to promote online the artists that were in his gallery stable.
Leona Herzog, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Leona Herzog graduated with a BFA (Honours) in 1975 and completed a Master of Arts with a focus on Curatorial Practises in 2012. As Director/Curator of the Buhler Gallery, St. Boniface Hospital, from 2016 to 2022 she created notable exhibitions featuring the work of numerous contemporary Canadian artists. In the intervening years, she held senior management positions with Superstores and Manitoba Hydro. A lifelong supporter of the arts, she was responsible for creating Manitoba Hydro’s superb collection of contemporary Manitoba artwork on display in their downtown Winnipeg Head Office. Long committed to working with her community, Leona has volunteered on numerous arts boards. She now serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) and chairs the “Over the Top” committee, MAWA’s major annual fundraising initiative.
Brandt Eisner, Truro, Nova Scotia
Brandt Eisner is a conceptual multimedia artist whose work primarily focuses on sculptural and/or wearable art. Working with socially based themes, primarily around identity and sexuality, Eisner investigates constructed social norms and searches to challenge why we are the way we are. Working as a floral designer at the age of 16 he quickly shifted into the art world curating group shows and having his work shown in galleries throughout the South Shore of Nova Scotia. He has owned two galleries and worked as assistant director and curator for two others. Eisner received his BFA (Interdisciplinary) from NSCAD University In 2005. Currently, Eisner’s focus is on his art practice, curating shows for various galleries and organizations, producing drag/performance art theatre events, while also curating full-time for the Ice House Gallery in Tatamagouche.
Prospectus - English Prospectus - French
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Call for Entry opens January 5, 2024.