Margaret Lowers Abramshe (Utah, USA) - DNA
Diana Bartelings (British Columbia, Canada) - Building Blocks of a Dogwood
Charlotte Bird (California, USA) - Lichen North
Gretchen Brooks (Florida, USA) - Chrysophyta
Wendi Bucey (California, USA) - Pigments and Fibers
Wendy Laurel Buettner (Virginia, USA) - Within
Betty Busby (New Mexico, USA) - Lilium
Shin-hee Chin (Kansas, USA) - Holes in the Whole
Vicki Conley (New Mexico, USA) - The Color of Heat
Heidi Drahota (Germany) - Zoom N° 2
Mel Dugosh (Texas, USA) - Notable Nucleation
Sandy Gregg (Massachusetts, USA) - Channeling Ernst Haeckel 3
Betty A Hahn (Arizona, USA) - Quarks
Michele Hardy (Colorado, USA) - Geoforms: Porosity #17
Deborah Haviland (Maryland, USA) - Cotton's Secret
June Horwich (Ontario, Canada) - Interior Design
Jean Howard (Missouri, USA) - Cellular Level II: E. Coli in Blue
Ann Johnston (Oregon, USA) - Cracking
Karol Kusmaul (Florida, USA) - Brain Cells
Sheryl LeBlanc (Oregon, USA) - In Your Face
Regina Marzlin (Nova Scotia, Canada) - Xylem and Phloem
Bob Mosier (Texas, USA) - Xylem Plant Cell
Karin Pfunder (Germany) - Microsoap
Amanda Preston Araujo (Colorado, USA) - Tragopogon Dubius
Donna Lee Rice (Oregon, USA) - Intensify
Janet Gail Scruggs (British Columbia, Canada) - Xanthoria
Debra Shaw (Ohio, USA) - Coagulation
Jean M Sredl (Wisconsin, USA) - Diminutive
Carla Stehr (Washington, USA) - Microscape 4
Kathy Suprenant (Kansas, USA) - Back Aperture (Through a Lens III)
Maggie Vanderweit (Ontario, Canada) - Leaf and Leather
Sarah J Williams (Oregon, USA) - Sea Foam
Zara Zannettino (South Australia, Australia) - The Invisible Connection
Marian Zielinski (Georgia, USA) - Molecular Energy