Browse the Collection

We invite you to explore our online collection of over 4,000 pieces of artwork that showcase the beauty and diversity of the art quilt medium. We have also put together a curated selection of online galleries.


North Woods Suite...Waterfall
The Lord of Birds
Ground Fire Brings Light and Life
The Long Necked Cats And The Long Legged Bird
Brooding Nude
HOPE is the Thing with Feathers...
Birds Play in The Woodland
Letters to Myself - Page 2
Uncharted Worlds
Sanctuary City II
Watercolor Study No. 4
Gather Up the Fragments
Quilt Drawing #25 - String of Breaths
Lillian's Expectations
Mondrian Paddlers #2
Descending Blood Mountain
par hasard (by chance)
Nine Patch Japan
The Da Vinci Enigma
Birthright of Woman: To Read What I Like