Browse the Collection

We invite you to explore our online collection of over 4,000 pieces of artwork that showcase the beauty and diversity of the art quilt medium. We have also put together a curated selection of online galleries.


Blister Beetle Collection
Fingerprint #50: UNITY
Motorcycle with Sidecar
in nomine Patris
Ten After Five
Sinfonia Plus       
Inside and Out
The Old City Awakens
Outlaw: Jackrabbit
The light in the morning mist
Red-Spotted Purples
Fishing for Colour
"Of Thee I Sing, Baby" quilt cape
The Potluck - World. Card #21 in the Kitchen Tarot
Ordinary Moments
Moonahs at Midnight
Thorns in My Garden
Celestial Celebration
What Choice do they have?
One Earth
Rust Rose