Browse the Collection

We invite you to explore our online collection of over 4,000 pieces of artwork that showcase the beauty and diversity of the art quilt medium. We have also put together a curated selection of online galleries.


Memento Mori: the 100 Dead Birds Project
Exiting Eden With Eve Firing up the Pick-up
Morning at the Pond
Missed Trains
Many Little Suns
Waterline #2, Willamette River
Autumn, California
Urban Reflections #1: Lake Merritt Series
Birding on Quiet Hill
Flood Clothesline
Robe of the Dragon Rider
Cottonwood Delta Blues
Upward and Onward
Imagine That
Dans les Bains de Maroc
Quanto tempo è passato (How much time has passed away)
Nordic Shaman
Outlaw: Jackrabbit