Women’s Roles in Sapa, Vietnam

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Women’s Roles in Sapa, Vietnam
41 in
18 in
(104 cm x 46 cm)
Photo Credit
Bob Dennis
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Women in Sapa, Vietnam work hard in their family roles and those of farm worker, textile producer and seller. I made the batik text in the central section which lists familial roles while the three short woven hemp, indigo dyed with embroidery strips, showcase the needle skills of the women from Sapa. I have reversed the strip under the batik to show the hidden side of the piece, just as we don't see all that women do in a day's work. The necklaces are stitched and hand painted over the batik.
cotton, hemp, embroidery thread, wax, dye, paint, batting, thread
batik text hand drawn, hand painted, hand couched, hand woven fabric, machine pieced, machine quilted.