SAQA Exhibition FAQs

Whether you are a first time entrant or an experienced pro, check out the information below for helpful guidance and tips on entering SAQA exhibitions. Scroll down below to view ALL the related FAQs. 

Key Resources:

Tips on Entering Exhibitions

Digital Image Submission Guidelines

Tips for Successful Art Quilt Photography

Online submission guide

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at


Familiarize yourself with exhibition policies
No one likes rules but there are certain things that all entrants must follow when entering a SAQA exhibition. Failure to comply may mean that your artwork doesn't get forwarded to the juror OR that your accepted artwork won't be in the exhibition.

The key exhibition policies are below but do review the Exhibition FAQs below as they include important information about all aspects of entering SAQA exhibitions.

  • Artist must be a current SAQA member to enter a SAQA exhibition.
  • Artwork must fit the SAQA definition of an art quilt: “...a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure.”
  • Artwork must be of original design and must not violate any copyright laws.
  • Quilts made from patterns, kits, or completed in workshops with the collaboration or design of an instructor, or copies or clearly derivative work based on source material not made by the artist (including but not limited to artwork, photos, and AI generated images) are not eligible.
  • Artwork must match the digital images submitted - no further changes or stitching can be made after submission.
  • The submitted full image of the artwork must show ALL edges of the artwork. 
  • Artwork MUST be available to travel for the duration of the exhibition. Once work is accepted, the artist cannot withdraw the piece for any reason.
  • Artwork cannot have been included in a previous SAQA Global Exhibition (inclusion in previous Virtual Galleries, regional exhibitions, Juried Artist portfolios is fine). You will need to wait until you receive your official notification from one show before entering another.

Review the Prospectus Often
Details about Global Exhibition Calls for Entry are usually posted a year in advance and always include a prospectus with specifics about the call. Do periodically reread the prospectus to ensure that you are aware of any changes. 

Know the Size Requirements / Type of Artwork
The size requirements and type of accepted artwork (wall-hung, free-standing 3D, and ceiling hung) are often determined by the opening venue and DO vary. Check the call details for specific requirements for that call.

SAQA has updated many of the upcoming calls to include a greater range of sizes for both wall-hung AND free-standing pieces. So if your work didn't meet the size or type requirements before, check again!

Focus on getting GREAT images
Jurors select the work through images submitted online as part of the entry form - they do NOT see the actual artwork. This is why it is vital to send the best possible images, ideally professionally taken, using our Digital Image Submission Guidelines. If you are planning on taking the pictures yourself, do the research to find out how to take great pictures. Don't miss our Tips for Successful Art Quilt Photography.

Since jurying is by digital image only, jurors must be able to view the full artwork as it will be displayed. Do NOT crop the edges of your full image! A small amount of background (preferably a neutral color and non-distracting) is OK.

Gather your information together
Check out the online submission during the call period to see what information you need to submit with your entry. Review our online submission guide for more details.

In addition to your contact information, you will need to provide the following for each artwork.

  • Digital Images (one full, one detail, one side for 3D pieces)
  • Artwork Sizes
  • Artist statement, materials, and techniques
  • Price or insurance value
  • Collaborators
  • Year (for reference only - there is no year requirement)

Don't wait until the last minute to enter!
We all like to work right up to the deadline but please do give yourself enough time to complete the online submission process just in case of questions or technical / internet issues. The deadlines provided are firm and the form will close automatically at midnight (US/Canada Eastern Time). 

Remember that you do need to pay your entry fee online by the deadline as well. If you have issues with payment, contact us at


Check your email for confirmation and notifications
When you complete your entry, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a PDF attachment with your submission details. You will receive one email per submission (up to 3). SAQA may also contact you about replacement images so check your spam folders!

Before the posted notification date, you will receive an email about the status of your entry. SAQA will post the list of accepted artists soon after. If you are an accepted artist, you will receive a separate email with your artist contract and shipping instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions