Special Interest Group: Exploring Contemporary Art

Moderated by Dolores Miller

Contemporary art from all media often forms the context of our work as art quilters and textile artists. This group aims to provide a casual, supportive, open-minded place for us to actively learn as we discuss and become familiar with contemporary art and artists.

This group provides an important resource for those who want to grow as artists and understand today's art landscape. It is an opportunity for someone not deeply involved in the art world to learn about contemporary artists, discuss them, and hear a variety of opinions about their work.

Each month, a featured artist is selected along with some materials to read and/or watch (usually requires less than an hour of your time). Then, on the 4th Tuesday of the month (1pm ET - time zone converter), you will join a live moderated discussion on the Zoom platform (see Connection Information below).

It’s fascinating to hear other people’s thoughts and so energizing to have thoughtful and engaging discussions about an interesting artist and the broader art world. It’s a simple format - you can join just for one meeting or attend them all.

Want to learn more?


Program Founder

Dolores Miller

Dolores Miller lives in San Jose, CA.  She has been a SAQA member since 2009, becoming a Northern (CA/NV) regional co-representative (2013-14) and serving on the regional exhibition committee (2015-17). She is a past SAQA board Vice-President and former chair of the Education Committee.
Her works have been juried into three global and four regional SAQA exhibitions and Visions: Interpretations. One series of work incorporates needle felting and other techniques to depict galaxies, constellations, and other objects of the night sky.  Dolores curated two regional exhibitions at the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles' FiberSpace (2014 and 2016) and has been a juror for a SAQA region exhibition and for Visions. She is retired from a career as a research analytical chemist. Though she has attended many textile seminars and workshops, the last formal art class she took was in high school...

Questions? Please contact Dolores at dcmiller_215@comcast.net.

Connection Information


At the designated time, click on the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting


   Every month on the Fourth Tue, 5 occurrence(s)
       Jul 23, 2024 01:00 PM
       Aug 27, 2024 01:00 PM
       Sep 24, 2024 01:00 PM
       Oct 22, 2024 01:00 PM
       Nov 26, 2024 01:00 PM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZAkdOytqjktGdONUuXraslf48EBoX1nTsFS/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGspzgvH9CXtxqARpwIHYjCZ-_wiHpajadysirwOzJScQ_wYrpnEL1HQdbk


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