Lyric Montgomery Kinard

Juried Artist Member (JAM)

Cary, NC
United States

Artist Statement
My goal as an artist is to remind humanity of the strength it possesses. In a world where too often, the images we feed ourselves are full of violence and fear, I strive to uplift. In a many-layered process I gather intriguing materials both old and new. I marvel as plain cloth is transformed as it absorbs dye and paint. The meditative process of mark making with thread allows me to truly see and understand my materials and physically connect with my subject. Slowly order emerges from disarray, beauty from chaos.

The tactile nature of cloth, its texture, richness, and malleability are what have drawn me to this medium. Fabric has a history almost as old as humankind; from birth to death we wrap ourselves in cloth. It brings us comfort and protection. It defines our individual identities.