Eagle - The Eyes Have It

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Eagle - The Eyes Have It
30 in
40 in
(76 cm x 102 cm)
Photo Credit
Michael Arterburn
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It’s no wonder that the bald eagle is the symbol of the United States. I wanted to capture the majesty of this bird of prey. Animals are constantly alert to the environment around them. Most use their sight to survive, but not all animals see the world in the same way and eyes are unique to each species.

Philosopher Martin Buber said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” This quilt is part of a series in which I want to capture the allure and power of different animals and their eyes, be they mammal, bird, reptile, or insect. To me animal eyes are a large part of their distinctiveness and character, and I love the challenge of recreating that in my art.
Silk noil, cotton, pigments, wood
Raw-edge appliquéd, mounted, hand-colored with pigment and ink