Browse the Collection

We invite you to explore our online collection of over 4,000 pieces of artwork that showcase the beauty and diversity of the art quilt medium. We have also put together a curated selection of online galleries.


Rainy Day Ballet
The Dress Don't Fit
Cohasset Sunrise
K-Bay Slide Show
Für Die Kinder
Bombyx Mori
Rough Sailing
WIND @ 32.04 degrees South 112.9 degrees West on July 7, 2022 @ 1307
Kristina Hodgetts - Generations of Family Doilies Outdoor Umbrella
Boetti's Squares
The Wrath of Poseidon
If a Block should Tumble
The Shirley Temple Wannabe
Daintree Waterfall
Eat Your Veggies
Parched Ground Will Become a Pool
Secret Garden
Shirley Chisholm For President