Yes, The Crow Will Dunk His Bread into the BirdBath

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Yes, The Crow Will Dunk His Bread into the BirdBath

Anne Daughtry

10 in
7 in
Eugene, Oregon USA
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Our back yard is a playground for birds. We see many species, but the most amusing are the crows. We frequently toss old bread out into the yard, and almost immediately a crow, or maybe more than one, will show up and start eating. But apparently they like soft bread. Many times, the crow will jump across the yard to the bird bath, hop up on the rim, and dunk the bread in the water before he eats it. We try to keep the bath water clean, but birds don't have good cleanliness habits. That is the funniest thing. They will fight over the bread, leave it on the grass, but dunking it to eat is fascinating.
Cotton, silk, taffeta
Ice dyed, scrunched, fussy cut