SAQA Mentorship Program - Information for Mentees

The deadline for mentee applications has passed. If you have any questions, please contact


  • While we try to accommodate everyone, the number of mentee slots is directly related to the number of mentors we have. 
  • Submissions will be closed once the spots are filled so do plan on applying early as possible when the form opens on Dec 1. 
  • Participants will be contacted around January 6 with their match information. 
  • A sample of the online application is available below - this is for reference only.  

Need some help with taking your art practice to the next level?  Working in a series?  Building a marketing program?  Getting out of a slump?  The SAQA Mentorship Program can help you with your art practice.  It’s BOTH for artists beginning an art practice and for experienced artists who want to explore growth opportunities with another experienced artist. Available for FREE to SAQA members, one-on-one mentorship can last for one month or twelve.  Let us know what help you’re looking for!


There are an incredible number of benefits to working with a mentor:

  • Gain practical advice, encouragement, and support
  • Identify goals and establish a sense of direction
  • Gain valuable insight into the next stage of your artistic journey
  • Assistance in defining artistic goals, strategies, and options
  • Learn professional development techniques such as how to write an effective artist statement and resume.
  • Gain access to the experiences of professionals for guidance in time management, communication, and networking skills.
  • Learn self-motivation, self-discipline, and goal-setting techniques.
  • Discussions with your mentor will help you stretch your thinking by giving you access to another perspective. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a Mentee

  • be a current SAQA member.
  • identify and set goals for the program and work with your mentor to develop action steps.
  • clarify and revise goals as needed with feedback from your mentor.
  • monitor and track progress toward those goals and keep your mentor updated on your progress.
  • respect your mentor’s time by being punctual and prepared for each meeting, and by keeping commitments.
  • develop a mutual agreement for meetings and preferred method of contact.
  • ask questions so that a clear understanding is reached.
  • be open to guidance, suggestions, and coaching. Accept feedback in a positive manner.
  • be direct, honest, and upfront with your mentor. Identify any challenges you are facing in the program.
  • keep your mentor informed of changes in needs, expectations, or goals.
  • ask questions about your mentor’s career and experiences.
  • provide regular ongoing feedback to the Mentorship Program coordinators about the program.
  • report any concerns or complaints to Mentorship Program Coordinator.

Are you ready for the Mentorship Program?

Before submitting your application, please reflect on and answer the following questions to determine if you are ready to participate in the SAQA Mentorship Program:

  • Are you comfortable with the basic techniques of the art form?
  • Do you desire feedback and guidance to continue developing as an artist?
  • Are you self-motivated and willing to take advantage of available opportunities?
  • Are you eager to learn new skills and abilities and to develop existing skills and abilities?
  • Are you willing to be an active participant in the Mentorship Program?
  • Are you able to meet with the Mentor and maintain regular contact, as determined by the Mentor/Mentee pair?
  • Are you able to communicate and cooperate with others?
  • Are you willing to work hard, share knowledge, be open to new experiences, and have fun?

Members considering SAQA’s Juried Artist Membership (JAM), may opt to experience Mentorship first, before moving forward with working with a Juried Artist advisor focused on the Juried Artist Membership Application.