Maximize your SAQA Membership

Here's a roadmap that offers some guidance on making the most out of your SAQA Membership. You may also want to check out:

Be sure to scroll down to view even more tips from our members. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Make Connections

We've created a social network to help you connect to other artists - next door or across the world.

  • Find out what is happening in your SAQA Region - they offer meetings, exhibitions, and community
  • View our online schedule for upcoming events, including our monthly Live Chats
  • Explore the SAQA Community to find out all the different ways to make connections with other members
  • Check out our Special Interest Groups - a variety of rotating topics are offered. Perhaps start your own?  
  • Attend SAQA's annual conference, a great opportunity to gather together, to network and socialize
  • Volunteer at one of our many events or committees - volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization!
  • Follow us on social media (scroll to bottom to view links) and join our Facebook groups
Keep Learning

We've built a knowledge network that helps you get the information you need.

Develop Professionally

We provide resources to help you navigate the next steps for your artwork and in your career.

Market & Share your Art

We offer tools to help promote the art quilt and the artists who create them.

Become a Juried Artist Member

Take advantage of the additional benefits of being a Juried Artist Member.

  • Review our guidelines to learn more about the Juried Artist application process 
  • Be included in our searchable Juried Artist directory
  • Get your own profile page on the SAQA website with images, statements, and links
  • Your artwork is eligible for inclusion in online galleries, SAQA emails, and SAQA Journal
Tips from Members

The more you interact with other SAQA members, the more you discover! Tip #2 - join your local region's zoom meetings.

Read all the Journals

Read your Regional newsletters/blog posts...and the other regular e-mails. Flag the ones that have items you want to absorb more deeply, or have deadlines you want to consider. 

Everyone needs to find a foothold when entering an organization that is active as SAQA. Our region has developed a welcome letter for new members and we encourage them to join Groups as well as getting the Wednesday and Friday emails from SAQA.

It takes time to absorb all of the opportunities that a virtual organization has in place before pandemic began and has expanded beyond that with the onset of quarantining. My recommendation: Attend the virtual Conference this spring--there will be so many opportunities to connect with people from around the world.

Definitely get involved with the most local group. Many "pods" are meeting virtually and are very active right now.

Sign up for the mentorship program. If I could go back in time, I would have loved to have had the guidance from other's experience to help me out at the start of my art quilting journey!

Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to everyone in pods, Zooms, or wherever you see SAQA folks. This group is quite welcoming and nonjudgmental.

 The next time you are wondering ANYTHING art quilt/fiber art related, pop into the Facebook group and ask a question... whether it is solving a technique problem, deciding which class to take, or looking for inspiration, THIS group will supply answers... and quickly!