Member Recruitment and Outreach

YOU are a valued member of SAQA. We love hearing your feedback, seeing your art and following your creative process. We're here to help you along. Bet you have friends who would love SAQA as much as you do.

Let them see how our community of artists, our Journal, website, webinars and other resources can help get them to the next level. By expanding the network of supporters, you also help ensure the financial viability of our organization. We want to continue offering traveling exhibitions, publications and make professional development for our members even more rewarding.

Send your friends to to find out more about SAQA. You should carry some SAQA rack cards with you at all times. You never know when you will meet a prospective member!

SAQA is ready to help you with membership brochures, promotional materials or even door prizes for a drawing at your presentation. Just complete our Marketing Request form.

Here are some other ideas:

  • Are you participating in exhibitions?
    Offer to talk about your work and spend 2 minutes introducing listeners to SAQA. They may never have heard of us or the great benefits we can offer. 
  • Do you go to guild meetings?
    Make a presentation with your work or the SAQA Trunk Show and encourage folks to join us.
  • Do you teach workshops?
    You can offer your student a discount on membership for taking your class - contact us at to find out how.

Below are also some videos that you can share at meetings or via social media.

SAQA Videos
Join SAQA's Director of Global Exhibitions William Reker in a tour of our new Exhibition Management Center. Thank you to all our generous donors who made this possible!
by William Reker (Video)

SAQA's Director of Global Exhibitions William Reker demonstrates all the best practices for preparing and shipping art quilts for travel. Find out more about the right tissue paper to use as well as shipping and product recommendations.

Inside SAQA - Q & A is a series of live Zoom meetings that offers SAQA members an opportunity to learn more about programs and benefits. Recordings are also available.
In this video, SAQA Board President Deborah Boschert shares an introduction to what SAQA is all about. We welcome art quilters and fiber artists of all kinds to join us and learn more about the art quilt movement.
Previous Board President Deborah Boschert talks about the exciting SAQA programs of today, including exhibitions, regional highlights, member education, and publications.
Our new Board President Deborah Boschert and Vivika DeNegre celebrate SAQA from the QuiltCon 2020 show floor! Watch as they peruse a variety of beautiful art quilts created by SAQA members and discuss the benefits of joining SAQA.
Learn about SAQA’s global community of artists, collectors & arts professionals!