Bring a Friend to SAQA!

YOU are a valued member of SAQA. We love hearing your feedback, seeing your art, and following your creative process—and we're sure you have friends who would love SAQA as much as you do!

During this time of social distancing, it's even more important to be connected. Share with your friends how our online global community provides personal connections and fosters creative growth, no matter their location.

Not a member yet? Find out how you can join SAQA today.

Now is a great time to join SAQA!

All new members who join before December 31, 2021 will receive $20 off their first year of membership (use discount code FRIEND) and be entered in a drawing to win fabulous prizes.

  • Anyone who refers a new member will also be eligible to win prizes (the more people you refer, the more chances you have to win)
  • Regions can receive $200 for regional activities for the most new members before December 31st. Three awards are available for small (10-49 members), medium (50-99), and large (100+) regions

We have a number of great membership drive prizes to award some lucky winners. A random drawing will be held monthly - anyone who joined the previous month OR referred a new member is eligible to win. The more new members you refer, the more chances you have!