SAQA Journal 2021 Vol. 31 No. 3

SAQA Journal 2021 Vol. 31 No. 3

In this issue of the SAQA Journal, read how SAQA members experience worth in art making. Travel to Canada to meet artist Bethany Garner, who draws inspiration from her studio with a view. Sharpen your color know-how by using the Ives Color Wheel, the basis for dyes, pigments, and so much more. Learn how SAQA Benefit Auction donors employ new techniques in their auction quilts to expand their artistic tool kit, some to the point of developing a new style. Plus, explore the commercial value of art making found through licensing. Our regular departments and galleries round out the editorial package in this year’s third issue.

Cover art: There will be a Springtime (Geneviève Attinger)

Editor's Notes (Diane Howell)
Thoughts from the president: (Deborah Boschert)
SAQA News - SAQA Award Winners
Art Talk column - Sharpen your color know-how with the Ives Color Wheel (Lynnita Knoch)
SAQA Global Exhibitions - Connections
Featured Artist - Bethany Garner: Creating and teaching fiber art full speed ahead (ZJ Humbach)
2021 Benefit Auction offers opportunity for creative experiments (Diane Howell)
Member Gallery: Outsider
Professional Development - Increase your art income through licensing (Kestrel Michaud)
Juried Artist Showcase
Article - Connections made with square study (Regina Dunn)
SAQA News - Oceania showcased in Annual  Conference (Diane Howell)
Column - Inspired by enthusiasm (N.K. Quan)


Publication Type
SAQA Journal
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