Collecting - Collector's corner: Care, display, and storage of contemporary quilt art (Lenkowsky, Kate)
Commissions - Career advice: Have you ever been approached to do a commission? (Vehslage, Carolyn Lee)
Featured Artist - Highlighted artist: Britta Ankenbauer (Henke, Linda Witte)
Exhibitions - Exhibition review: Art Quilt XII: Lucky Break (McCurry, Linda)
Teaching / Workshops - Career advice: Thinking about teaching? (Finch, Jake)
Artistic Advice - Artistic advice: Why study art? (Claus-Gray, Rosemary)
SAQA Auction - SAQA activities: SAQA auction: A look behind the bidding process (Hannafin, Rita)
Professional Development - Career advice: Selling quilt books in a crowded market (Cox, Meg)
Exhibition Advice - Exhibition advice: The Quilt Art group (Nash, Dominie)
SAQA News - SAQA activities: SAQA University: One year and growing (Judd, Jean M.)
Business - Career advice: Insuring the product of your creativity (Van Schaick, Elizabeth)
Exhibition Advice - Career advice: Pattern design for profit (Daivila, Jane)
SAQA Journal 2009 Vol. 19 No. 3
SAQA Journal 2009 Vol. 19 No. 3
Publication Type
SAQA Journal