SAQA Journal 2007 Vol. 17 No. 1
Art Quilt - Bridging The Gap: Quilt World To Art World (Sielman, Martha and Keeney, Peg)
Exhibition Advice - Professional advice: Gallery relationships - exclusivity (Townsend, Milon)
Selling Your Work - Professional advice: Advertising art quilts (Davis, Lynne)
Photography - Professional advice: Understanding image resolution (Hansen, Gloria)
Marketing - Professional advice: Press releases 101 (Huss, Cindi)
SAQA Exhibition - Review: SAQA: The Creative Force (Friedman, Cindy)
Exhibitions - Review: Art Quilts at the Whistler III (Farkas, Maxine)
Exhibitions - Review: Fiber Revolution (Velasquez, Geraldine)
Professional Development - Guidelines for becoming a professional artist member (PAM) (SAQA Board)
Publication Type
SAQA Journal