For the next seven weeks, SAQA’s Education Committee invites you to play with color. We will be exploring lots of aspects of color, but before we get into the details, let’s start with play.
Remember when we were kids, we got into finger painting, watercolor, coloring with crayons; of course we wanted to have the 64 color box. The more color the better. It didn’t matter if the colors were accurate or if they even went together. Color was a toy, a means of expression, a way to create a picture that our parents would display on the fridge or in the office. Whatever we did was good enough and they loved it. And we were proud to share it.
Now, there are rules, color wheels, and color theory. Do we have the correct proportions, is the accent appropriate, does it make the quilt “sing”?
In this moment, let go of all that. Remember when you were a kid with the 64 colors of crayons. Let that kid play!
Here are a few ideas:
- Try fingerpainting. Get messy and see what happens. What creative direction do your fingers take you? Are you using just your fingers? Is your whole hand involved?
- Or, grab the drawing app on your touchscreen device for some virtual fingerpainting. Some of us don’t have this option - no worries!! Note the process and the results. How might this experience be different from the messy paint option?
- Reflect on how you feel when you play. This can be in a journal or on the Facebook page. In fact, this might be a good time to start a journal. You might find it interesting to note what you are learning about color throughout this seminar. Do you think it will change how you use color? Or, will it reinforce what you already do? Good questions. Hopefully, you will find the answers over the next several weeks.
- Play with color palettes. Coolor provides a random palette generator for your computer or phone. You can select a palette, change out colors, adjust the attributes of the color, and just have fun. Be sure to explore all of the buttons. Maybe you will find one you love and work with it.
Please share your results with the rest of us on the SAQA Facebook Group or via our SAQA Seminar submission form. You can include images and/or comments.