The Red Dress, conceived by British artist Kirstie Macleod, provides an artistic platform for women around the world to tell their personal stories through embroidery. From 2009 to 2022, pieces of the Red Dress traveled the globe, the focus of nearly continuous embroidery work. Constructed out of 84 pieces of burgundy silk dupioni, the garment has been worked on by 336 women and 7 men from 46 countries, with many of the stitchers marginalized and/or living in poverty. Of those, 136 were commissioned artisans who were paid for their work and continue to receive a portion of all ongoing exhibition fees. The remaining embroidery was added by willing participants at various exhibitions & events. This remarkable Fuller Craft exhibition will feature the Red Dress, along with information about the project’s history and a robust public program schedule.
Reception: May 19, 2024 from 3-5pm
Kirstie Macleod - The Red Dress
Fuller Craft Museum
455 Oak Street
Brockton MA 02301
United States