‘living- language- land’ Inspired (SAQA Regional)- National Weather Center (KCAC)

SAQA (Regional)

SAQA KS-MO-OK Regional members (primary and secondary) were asked to select at least one word and create one or more art quilts inspired by that word based on their research and creative voice. Works were limited to a dimension combination of 12” and/or 24”, either 2D or 3D. Many people signed up for multiple words. In the end, we collected at least two art quilts per each of the 26 words, resulting in a total of 54 artworks. A total of 20 artists from 7 different states participated.

Jan 27 - Mar 24, 2025 National Weather Center, Norman, OK 73072

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Disintegration by Nita Penfold
Disintegration by Nita Penfold


Various locations
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