Maria Shell: Limiting the structure of my work to a grid has allowed me to more fully explore my love of color. How to make color vibrate on the wall? That is the question for me. Most often the answer lies in proportion of line and shape in relation to color. Color is dynamic, fickle, explosive, solemn, mysterious, and beautiful. All colors possess these characteristics, and it is my daily work to explore how color is capable of being all these things for the viewer. It is with real joy that I try and try again to evoke deep emotion in the viewer through the use of color. This work is visceral. I do not know intellectually before hand what is going to happen when I put a sliver of chartreuse next to a bubble gum pink, but I am always willing to take the leap, to stitch until I find out.
Maria Shell - Liminal Lines
Pacific Northwest Quilt & Fiber Arts Museum
703 S. 2nd St.
La Conner, WA 98257
United States