Browse the Collection

We invite you to explore our online collection of over 4,000 pieces of artwork that showcase the beauty and diversity of the art quilt medium. We have also put together a curated selection of online galleries.


Marklin Nebula
Muddy Fork Farm: 3 of Wooden Spoons in the Kitchen Tarot
August 10, 1912 Tomato Soup
Two Red Roses
Seeking Balance
Orange Construction
Arsenical Poisoning
Within Autumn
Rising #23 - East River Winter Dusk
City Grid II
Let Evening Come
Ittayer and the Friday Market in the City of the Dead
Mr. Woolrich
Cathédrale des 1000 soleils/ Cathedral of the 1000 Suns
Can We Save the Whooping Cranes?
Sometimes They Fly Away
Free Fall #5
Following the Thread
Urban Bugs