Wild Birds of My Soul are Disturbed from their Roost

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Wild Birds of My Soul are Disturbed from their Roost
50 in
44 in
(127 cm x 112 cm)
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Birds are like stitches in life's miraculous fabric, perfectly connecting what needs to be joined: insects, plants, animals, fish, entire ecosystems, including us. They are both messengers and also the message. When they appear in my work, it's for beauty, for strength, and for frightening fragility.

The inspiration of birds is to be everything that we are not: to be HERE, then, on winged intent, THERE. Across the valley or the entire continent. To travel 1000 miles on the strength of mere ounces and feathers. To know how to go, navigating by stars and magnetic fields. To see the world from a higher perspective. To live seemingly free of the bonds that so constrain us.

Upcycled fabrics.
Pieced, appliquéd, embroidered, machine and hand quilted.