War Crime

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War Crime
30 in
19 in
(76 cm x 48 cm)
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War Crime was made in response to the war in Ukraine. Every night on the news, I saw the images of the shells of buildings left after the Russian bombings. I was horrified by the deaths of civilians, the total destruction of their homes and towns, and the loss of their culture and community. All because one man had decided that none of this should exist unless it existed under his control. These people had done nothing to deserve this fate. Of course, these images could be seen as applicable to many other conflicts and genocides over the last century and in the current era. Without taking action now to prevent it, the same fate could one day be ours.
Fabric, newspaper, paint, dye, discharge paste, matte medium, fusible web
Dyed, discharged, painted, laminated, fused, machine stitched