Traditions Transposed

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Traditions Transposed
61.5 in
85 in
(156 cm x 216 cm)
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This Rwandan genocide story begins with an orderly, colorful childhood in Africa. There is joy and security there. Unexpectedly, a chaotic attack occurs in the night! Machetes slash through the village. Terror, fire, and death are everywhere. Amid bodies of slain family members, horrified survivors scatter in fear and flight. They keep moving for many miles. Feeling great loss and hunger, they join others fleeing from different villages, at last arriving at a refugee camp. There are tents and provisions, but not enough. There is discord, violence, and more death. Time passes. Distress and divergence transition to cooperation and empathy. Traditions are shared and hope renewed.
African and Dutch wax prints, upcycled clothing fabric, acrylic paint, embroidery floss
Raw edge hand appliquéd, machine pieced, painted, hand quilted