There is No Prophet in His Hometown-1933

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There is No Prophet in His Hometown-1933
46 in
43 in
(117 cm x 109 cm)
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My quilt is a collaboration with my late uncle Meir Ader, who was murdered by the Germans in 1942 during the Holocaust. He had an extraordinary artistic talent. Thanks to the efforts of his school headmaster, he received a scholarship and was admitted to the School of Arts in Lublin. He graduated with honors. In 1933, my uncle presented an exhibition in Warsaw where, among others, his painting There is No Prophet in His Hometown was displayed. It was dated 1933, the year Hitler came to power. I assume he painted it following the political situation in Germany when anti-Semitism was on the rise. This photograph is the only memory my family has of my late uncle’s art. I printed it onto fabric and integrated it into my art quilt.
Artist painted fabrics, recycled and commercial fabrics, photograph
Printed, machine pieced, machine quilted