Swimming Upstream

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Swimming Upstream
65 in
35 in
(165 cm x 89 cm)
Photo Credit
Luke Mulks
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Suffering a work related injury and over coming that physical trauma I always wanted to somehow let people know that it is possible to recover completely. One day leaving the pool I knew that time had come but how? I visited a local museum and saw a retrospective of painter Joan Brown's artwork. Before I could even finish viewing all of her work I literally fled the museum and by the time I had arrived home I knew it was "ok" to use myself in my art. Joan had placed herself in all of her artworks, so why not me. "Swimming Upstream" was the beginning of a thirteen piece installation telling my story which has touched people in so many ways I never thought possible. The installation has been recognized from the United Kingdom to the three shores of these United States. Viewing and studying women artist has always given me strength to carry forward with my ideas.
Kona Cottons, wool fabric, polyester batting, polyester threads
Photography, original design, machine applique, machine stitching, hand applique