Summer Day Lily

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Summer Day Lily
45 in
35 in
2 in
(114 cm x 89 cm x 5 cm)
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Quilting has become my therapy after cancer. After recovery I started working at an arts center, where I was greeted every morning by vibrant red flowers. Working with a new disability, feeling unsure and vulnerable, were all a part of my new daily life. These flowers welcomed me to a new life, they were inspiring, they called out to me, they helped me be whole.
cotton batiks, cotton fabrics, velvet, fusible web, cotton batting, nylon thread (top), matching thread (back), polyfil (stamens)
Petals are from batiks, fusible web and a stabilizer, raw edge appliqu�. Flower stamens were stuffed with batting. The piece was then quilted with matching thread to the back and transparent nylon on the front.