Spot the Dot

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Spot the Dot
40 in
35 in
(102 cm x 89 cm)
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How would you behave if you had a mixed identity, such as that of a black and white dot (pardon, a black and white button) appearing in this quilt? Would you act like the black dots, who are wandering around, exploring opportunities, and searching for a gate to break free? Or would you rather look for safety, hiding within the crowd and pressed inside a box, among all the other buttons that look quite similar you?

Ok, let’s take another point of view. Let’s join the observer, who can easily spot the dot. The human brain is wired to connect the dots and to go straight to the point. So…what’s the point of this treasure hunt? To find ‘em all! Until the last point. Play the game and search for a “point”!int”!
Cotton fabric
Machine pieced, improvisationally pieced, longarm machine quilted, contract quilted