Song Bird

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Song Bird
51.25 in
39.5 in
(130 cm x 100 cm)
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Everything inspires me about birds. I sit on my back stoop, drinking my early morning coffee, and they arrive with the sun from all around; shaking and shivering a spray of water droplets from the terracotta birdbath; pecking and snapping wild bird seed from the cobalt blue birdfeeder. I have removed birds from the mouth of my smug, killing cat and soothed their racing hearts with the warmth of my cupped hands. I have raised these naked, pink, all-beak, food-demanding groundlings into feathered, chatty flying machines.
Dress and quilting scraps, snippets of netting, watercolor pencils, pens, markers, threads.
Drawn, painted, free-motion machine embroidered, quilted.