Portrait of Flathead Lake

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Portrait of Flathead Lake
61 in
30.5 in
(155 cm x 77 cm)
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This artwork is an abstracted portrait of Flathead Lake in Montana depicting elements that help keep the lake one of the most pristine fresh water lakes in the U.S. The bottom section is based on tree rings from the Flathead Lake Biological Station. The many trees in the area help filter pollutants before they reach the lake. The next section up uses an image of rock layers in Glacier National Park to represent the geology of the area. The old geology is very low in nutrients, particularly phosphorous. A section of the Flathead River runs through the center of the artwork. The natural curves of the river filter pollutants before emptying into the lake. The next section contains an area of topography lines. The surrounding topography helps shape the lake’s characteristics. A fraction of the lake’s bathymetric lines make up the last section. The depth of the lake contributes to its ecology.
Hand-dyed fabrics, batting, yarn, thread
Machine pieced, machine stitched, couched