Playland #4

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Playland #4
80 in
82 in
(203 cm x 208 cm)
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Marbaum Collection

Eclectic architecture, complex machinery, and outlandish arrangements that push the limits of balance, proportion and symmetry provide an endless source of inspiration for me. I work intuitively, moving back and forth between design wall and sewing machine as I ponder, design and engineer each piece. My work is consistently large yet constructed from hundreds of small bits of fabric. I love line and movement and color and use them to tell stories. My Playland series is inspired an historic amusement park in Rye NY near where I lived during my high school years. Built in the 1920s, it was the first planned amusement park in the US and built in the art deco style. Still in operation, it is now a National Historic Landmark. Playland is located on Long Island Sound and includes a beach, pier, boardwalk, theater, swimming pool, ice arena, picnic area, midway, rides, and wildlife sanctuary and nature preserve. Playland #4 is all about the wild and wonderful rides on the Dragon Coaster.
Commercial and hand dyed cotton
Machine pieced and quilted